


Category Solution

APEX3R CNC Router – A Great Fit for Value Buyers Who Want High Performance

With the APEX3R CNC router, you get a number of features standard with the machine that you normally only get when you buy much more expensive CNC routers. It’s all because of Multicam’s unique manufacturing processes that keep high quality affordable.
VR48 CNC Router EngraverVR48 CNC Router/ Engraver
The VR48 CNC Router/ Engraver is the best heavy-duty 4x8 CNC router that can produce accurate, repeatable, cost-effective work in considerably less time than it takes to do the same work by hand. Featuring our state-of-the-art Vision Series 5 Controller with V-Touch Pendant and our graphically advanced Vision software, this machine is perfect for a wide variety of applications including milling, drilling, contouring, and routing.
2550 S5 CNC Router Engraver2550 S5 CNC Router/ Engraver
The 2550 S5 CNC Router/ Engraver is Vision's best heavy-duty cnc routing system. It can produce accurate, repeatable, cost-effective work in considerably less time than it takes to do the same work by hand. Featuring our state-of-the-art Vision Series 5 Controller with V-Touch Pendant and our graphically advanced Vision software, this machine is perfect for a wide variety of applications including milling, drilling, contouring, and routing.
2525 S5 CNC Router Engraver2525 S5 CNC Router/ Engraver
The 2525 S5 CNC Router/ Engraver is Vision's heavy-duty routing system. It can produce accurate, repeatable, cost-effective work in considerably less time than it takes to do the same work by hand. Featuring our state-of-the-art Vision Series 5 Controller with V-Touch Pendant and our graphically advanced Vision software, this machine is perfect for a wide variety of applications including milling, drilling, contouring, and routing.
1624R S5 Small CNC Router Engraver1624R S5 Small CNC Router/ Engraver
The NEW 1624R S5 Small CNC Router/ Engraver allows production shops to maximize work space with huge capabilities! Tracing it's lineage from our very popular 25 series and 16 series systems, we have built a CNC machine with the field proven durability and quality you can only find in an American made Vision CNC Router! Featuring our state-of-the-art Vision Series 5 Controller with V-Touch Pendant and our graphically advanced Vision software, this machine is perfect for a wide variety of applications including milling, drilling, contouring, routing and more!
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PT. Artha Intilestari
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Jl. Prof, Dr. Latumenten no. 10. Jakarta Barat DKI Jakarta 11460. Indonesia.

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Jl. PHH Mustofa No. 35. Gedung Dapensos Lt. 4, Bandung 40124. Indonesia
Phone: 0812 24448089

Jl. Dukuh Kupang Timur X / 69C, Surabaya 60225, Indonesia
Phone: (031) 5681309

Ruko Bayeman Permai A-15, Jl. Wates Km 3.5, Yogyakarta 556182, Indonesia
Phone: (0274) 560753

021 5631149-50
021 56975420
021 5631151


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Head Office:
Jl. Prof, Dr. Latumenten no. 10. Jakarta Barat DKI Jakarta 11460. Indonesia.

Branch Offices:
Jl. PHH Mustofa No. 35. Gedung Dapensos Lt. 4, Bandung 40124. Indonesia
Phone: 0812 24448089

Jl. Dukuh Kupang Timur X / 69C, Surabaya 60225, Indonesia
Phone: (031) 5681309

Ruko Bayeman Permai A-15, Jl. Wates Km 3.5, Yogyakarta 556182, Indonesia
Phone: (0274) 560753

Tel : 021 5631149-50
021 56975420
Hp : 089654260311
Fax : 021 5631151
Email : cs@arthainti.com
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