The VLS3.60DT is a compact and economical entry level platform that offers a material processing envelope of 24" x 12" x 4" or 1,152 in³ (610 x 305 x 102 mm or 18,878 cm³). The VLS3.60DT can be equipped with one of five 10.6µm CO2 laser sources ranging in power from 10 to 60 watts or one 9.3µm CO2 30 watt or 50 watt laser source.
PT. Artha Intilestari
Head Office: Jl. Prof, Dr. Latumenten no. 10. Jakarta Barat DKI Jakarta 11460. Indonesia.
Branch Offices: Bandung Jl. PHH Mustofa No. 35. Gedung Dapensos Lt. 4, Bandung 40124. Indonesia Phone: 0812 24448089
Surabaya Jl. Dukuh Kupang Timur X / 69C, Surabaya 60225, Indonesia Phone: (031) 5681309
Yogyakarta Ruko Bayeman Permai A-15, Jl. Wates Km 3.5, Yogyakarta 556182, Indonesia Phone: (0274) 560753